Air Quality Index (AQI) Values | Levels of Health Concern | Colors |
When the AQI is in this range: | ..air quality conditions are: | symbolized by this color: |
0 to 50 | Good | Green |
51 to 100 | Moderate | Yellow |
101 to 150 | Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups | Orange |
151 to 200 | Unhealthy | Red |
201 to 300 | Very Unhealthy | Purple |
301 to 500 | Hazardous | Maroon |
Elementary School Activity Restrictions During Poor Air Quality Episodes
The following restrictions have been designed to accompany the San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Control District's Real Time Outdoor Activity Risk levels (ROAR).
These guidelines should be followed for all students when two consecutive hourly readings from ROAR rise to level 4 (red, unhealthy); and for students diagnosed with asthma, heart conditions, or other respiratory ailments (on nurse's list) when the ROAR index is level 3 (orange, unhealthy for sensitive groups) for 2 consecutive hours. Students with asthma, heart conditions, or other respiratory ailments should not participate in outdoor activities (other than recess) when the air quality deteriorates into ROAR level 4 (red, unhealthy) for 2 consecutive hourly readings.
The following restrictions are outlined by sport/activity:
Cross Country and Track
No track or cross country meets when two consecutive hourly readings of “Red” occur. May still hold practices; but no long distance running (equal to or greater than respective race) or prolonged conditioning.
Examples of acceptable activities would include: stretching exercises, short games, short runs, fundamental skill building, throws and jumps practices
Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Physical Education
Games can be held as scheduled, restrictions apply to practices: No wind sprints, running the mile, prolonged conditioning (don’t exceed 8 minutes of strenuous activity).
Games can be held as scheduled, restrictions apply to practices:
No prolonged conditioning (don’t exceed 8 minutes of strenuous activity)- including indoor or outdoor
Acceptable to hold recess (lunch, morning and afternoon), but supervisory staff should be watchful of students involved in voluntary activities (tag or soccer) requiring high levels of exertion. Nurse’s list students may participate in recess when two consecutive hourly readings are Red.
Scenario: If at 2:00 there is a ROAR reading of “Red”, then the school will monitor the second reading to determine what actions will be taken for the event. If the 3:00 reading comes back at “Red” or “Purple” then the school will follow the above protocols. If the ROAR reading is “Purple” at 3:00, then the school must monitor the 4:00 reading to determine if all events will be cancelled.
When the ROAR moves into Level 5 (Purple, Very Unhealthy) for two consecutive readings no students should participate in outdoor activities.