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Garfield Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Parent Committees

Utilization of parent input is offered through a number of forums including site and community booster organization groups to ensure a diverse representation. These groups allow for ongoing dialogue to take place between school staff and parents. These groups include all of the following below.
Parent Teacher Club
School Assessment and Review Team (SART):  meets quarterly during the school year to assess and review effectiveness of policies, procedures, programs and curriculum/textbook adoption which are in place or proposed at Garfield Elementary School.  In March, CUSD conducts the annual SART Survey.  This survey solicits parent opinion on curricular, co-curricular, technology, and other issues facing the District.  SART shares the compiled results of the survey with the community. 

For more information contact Nancy Sternfels, Garfield Office Manager, at 327-6800.

School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC):  meets quarterly with administrative, teacher, and parent representatives to review and adopt the school site plan and grant final approval on all categorical budgets.  The SSC appoints a member as the District Advisory Committee (DAC) Representative each year. 

For more information contact Erin Roberts, Garfield GIS, at 327-6800.



What is Parent Teacher Club?

The Parent Teacher Club (PTC) provides our school, students and teachers with much needed support. Throughout the year, the PTC holds fun and educational events, and sponsors fundraisers for equipment, school beautification, technology, classroom supplies, etc. The PTC also helps coordinate room parents and other volunteers who support the teachers and children in the classrooms. The PTC relies solely on parent volunteers. Our success comes from the many dedicated parents who continue to volunteer their time and their talents.


PTC Mission Statement
The mission of the Garfield PTC is as follows:

  • To nurture the relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child.
  • To enhance the educational facilities and opportunities for the students of Garfield that are not otherwise provided for in the school budgets.
  • To foster positive school/community relationships through fundraising and family/community activities 


How can you help? 

  • There are lots of ways parents can volunteer in the PTC.  Here are just a few suggestions:
  • Volunteer your time. Click here for a room parent applications.
  • Participate in our year round fundraisers.
  • Make a cash donation.
  • Come to our PTC Events.
  • Attend the PTC Meetings.
  • Become an Event / Fundraiser Chairperson.
  • Become a PTC Officer.

Visit the Garfield Parent Teacher Club website. 



2024-2025 PTC Executive Board 






Jennifer    Bump



Tiffany Spencer & Kacey Gibson



Brandon Cohrs & Zack George




Eric Murakoshi



Recording Secretary

Heidi Nenadov



Parliamentarian  Rema Koligian



Corresponding Secretary

Lindsay Britter & Michelle Schoenwetter




Lindsey Amador & Amanda Houston