What is PBIS and ROAR to Success? School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organizational systems for establishing the social culture, learning and teaching environment, and individual behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. PBIS provides students with an excellent opportunity to learn about and practice skills that embody the six character traits of the Character Counts! framework
At Garfield Elementary, we call SWPBIS the ROAR to SUCCESS PROGRAM, where four behavioral expectations are outlined for students and staff to demonstrate in all settings. Students are directly taught the expectations, as well as what their behavior should look like in each setting of the school. After teaching these expectations, students practice and are reinforced for demonstrating positive behaviors. Inappropriate behaviors are proactively corrected with teaching, modeling, and practicing as opposed to a reactionary or punitive approach. Research has shown that this method of behavioral training is most effective in creating safe school environments, increasing academic, behavioral, and social success, and improving the overall school culture. Thus, we are confident that this system is ideal for our students, in ensuring they become the best individuals they can be in all areas!
How does the ROAR to Success program work? A team, comprised of school administration, behavior specialists, general and special education teachers, and/or support staff and parents is at the hub of developing and implementing strategies, defining goals, and monitoring progress as it relates to positive behavior interventions and supports. This team meets on a monthly basis, collaborating with school staff, students, and community members, to develop an aligned system of teaching, correcting, and reinforcing behaviors.
Be a ROARin’ CUB!
Remember Safety First
Outstanding Character
Act Responsibly
Respect for All